ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ran / WG2_RL2 / TSGR2_121 / Inbox / Drafts / [AT121][xxx][ePowSav] LS on the use of PEI during an emergency PDU session (Ericsson)

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icon draft R2-2302281 LS on the use of PEI during an emergency PDU session v3_Eri.docx 2023/03/06 12:40 32,1 KB
icon R2-23xxxxx LS on the use of PEI during an emergency PDU session v1.docx 2023/03/06 12:40 30,5 KB
icon R2-23xxxxx LS on the use of PEI during an emergency PDU session v2_Nokia.docx 2023/03/06 12:40 31,5 KB

3 items.